Factors Affect The Rate Of An Enzyme Catalyzed Interaction

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There are many factors which affects the rate of an enzyme catalyzed reaction. The rate of an enzyme controlled reaction is measured by 1.The amount of substrate change per unit time 2.The amount of product formed per unit time 3. The time taken for the completion of the reaction

In investigating the effect of one factor :

All the factors should be kept constant
They must be maintained at suitable levels
Only the initial rate should be measured. The factors affecting the rate of reaction are

1.Temperature –

At constant optimum levels all factors that affect the rate of enzyme activity are maintained and with increase in temperature up to a certain temperature the rate of an enzyme catalyzed reaction increases which is the optimum temperature for a particular enzyme.
The increase in collisions between the substrate molecules is due to the increase in rate.
Usually the rate of enzyme catalyzed reaction doubles for every ten degree rise in temperature.
Increase in temperature beyond optimum level causes a sharp decline in the rate due to denaturation of the enzyme.

At around 40 degrees Celsius most enzymes have an optimum temperature and when temperatures are reduced below freezing point enzymes are inactivated but they gain their catalytic properties once the temperature is increased.

Figure: (www.bbc.co.uk)

2. pH
Enzymes function most effectively over a particular pH range which is quite often a narrow range. The optimum pH value is the most

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