Lab Report On Enzyme Activity

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LABORATORY REPORT Activity: Enzyme Activity Name: Natalie Banc Instructor: Elizabeth Kraske Date: 09.26.2016 Predictions 1. Sucrase will have the greatest activity at pH 6 2. Sucrase will have the greatest activity at 50 °C (122 °F) 3. Sucrase activity increases with increasing sucrose concentration Materials and Methods Effect of pH on Enzyme Activity 1. Dependent Variable amount of product (glucose and fructose) produced 2. Independent Variable pH 3. Controlled Variables temperature, amount of substrate (sucrose) present, sucrase + sucrose incubation time Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity 1. Dependent Variable amount of product (glucose and fructose) produced 2. Independent Variable temperature 3. Controlled Variables pH, amount of substrate (sucrose) present, sucrase + sucrose incubation time Effect of Substrate Concentration on Enzyme Activity 1. Dependent Variable amount of product (glucose and fructose) produced 2. Independent Variable amount of substrate (sucrose) present 3. Controlled Variables temperature, pH, sucrase + sucrose incubation time 4. Describe what is measured as an indicator of sucrase activity and why this is an indicator of sucrase activity. I believe glucose and fructose was used as an indicator because they are what produces sucrose and sucrose creates more sucrase activity. 5. Explain why denatured sucrase was used as a control. Denatured sucrase was used as a control because it was inactive compared to the active sucrase. Using it slowed

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