Laboratory Report on Enzyme Activity

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LABORATORY REPORT Activity: Enzyme Activity Name: Natalie Banc Instructor: Elizabeth Kraske Date: 09.22.2016 Predictions 1. Sucrase will have the greatest activity at pH 6 2. Sucrase will have the greatest activity at 50 °C (122 °F) 3. Sucrase activity increases with increasing sucrose concentration Materials and Methods Effect of pH on Enzyme Activity 1. Dependent Variable amount of product (glucose and fructose) produced 2. Independent Variable pH 3. Controlled Variables temperature, amount of substrate (sucrose) present, sucrase + sucrose incubation time Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity 1. Dependent Variable amount of product (glucose and fructose) produced 2. Independent Variable temperature 3. Controlled Variables pH, amount of …show more content…

40 celcius. At lower temperatures, sucrase activity begins to be inactive but quickly becomes active. At higher temperatures, sucrase activity Laboratory Report/ Natalie Banc/ Enzyme Activity/ Elizabeth Kraske/ 09.22.2016/ Page [2] of [4] starts to slowly become less active. 4. Was sucrase activity higher at 25 °C or 55 °C? 55 degrees celcius Table 6: Effect of Sucrose Concentration on Sucrase Activity Optical Density 35 g/L 30 g/L 25 g/L 20 g/L 15 g/L 10 g/L 5 g/L 0 g/L 1 1.007 0.974 0.950 0.926 0.849 0.734 0.515 0.003 2 1.002 1.011 0.947 0.937 0.834 0.766 0.496 0.002 3 0.980 0.998 0.944 0.932 0.838 0.754 0.495 0.001 average 0.996 0.994 0.947 0.932 0.840 0.751 0.502 0.002 Effect of Sucrose Concentration on Sucrase Activity 5. State how sucrase activity changes with increasing sucrose concentration. First sucrase activity increases greatly. After 10 g/l sucrase activity continues to increase but at a slow rate until it reaches 30 g/l. At 30 g/l to 35 g/l sucrase activities mostly stayed the same …show more content…

7. In this experiment, if the sucrose concentration were increased to 70 g/l would you expect sucrase activity to be significantly higher than the activity at 35 g/l. Explain your answer. No, because based on the results once it reached 30 g/l 35 g/l the results had stayed the same. There, the activity is lessening and coming to what looks like a plateau. 8. Restate your predictions that were correct and give the data from your experiment that supports them. Restate your predictions that were not correct and correct them, giving the data from your experiment that supports the corrections. At the end of this experiment, it showed that I was right. Sucrase activity was at its optimal at ph6 and at 40 Celsius. The graph above shows my prediction of pH is correct but my temperature prediction is slightly off since I said it would be at 50 Celsius. I predicted the sucrase activity with increase the sucrose concentration which is correct! Application 1. Myosin ATPase is an enzyme that is involved in muscle contraction. Athletes do warm-up exercises prior to athletic performance. Explain why warm-up exercises increase myosin-ATPase

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