Ancient Egypt's Complex System Of Religious Beliefs

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Vedansh Goenka
History Period 3
Intro draft

Death was an important part of the ancient Egyptian’s complex system of religious beliefs. Once someone died they prepared for the afterlife. The afterlife was believed to be a party that went on forever in a perfect version of Egypt. People brought items they thought were necessary for the journey to the afterlife. If they failed during the journey they would cease to exist. They believed in many gods of death, and saw Anubis as one of the more important ones. Anubis was also the god of mummification. He guided the soul through the underworld and helped at every step of the journey. Mummification was a necessary process for the preservation of the body in the afterlife. The mummy represented the “house” of the spirit of the departed person. Anubis and mummification are an important part of Egypt's religious beliefs about death.

Anubis embalmed osiris
The embalming of Osiris by Anubis was an extremely important event in Egyptian mythology as it represented the earliest and the best example of mummification. Osiris, Nephthys, Set, and Isis were all children of the sky goddess Nut and the earth god Geb. Anubis was the son of Nephthys and a wine seduced Osiris. Set, Nephthys’ real husband, was furious and plotted to kill Anubis right after birth, but Nephthys gave birth to Anubis near the marshes of the …show more content…

The body was packed with sawdust and rags to make the body a little less squished and open cuts were sealed with wax. The entire body was wrapped with 20 layer of linen bandages which took about 20 days. A death mask was placed over the bandages to identify the mummy. The bandaged body was placed in a shroud, a large sheet of cloth, and was secured with linen strips. Finally the body was placed in the coffin, some bodies were placed into sarcophagus and even into a private