Differences Between Egypt And Mesopotamia

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Productive agricultural economies supported the development of the world’s first complex societies, in which sizable numbers of people lived in cities and extended their political social, economic, and cultural influences over large regions. Because of new advancements and the creation of new cultures, Egypt and Mesopotamia have differences between them . Mesopotamia and Egypt were were both once complex societies created centuries ago. However, there is a differentiation between factors such as society, economy, political, military factors in this case for an example Egypt has differed with their political infrastructure by having one supreme ruler (a Pharaoh) who has authority amongst the land and inhabitants of Egypt, rather than in Mesopotamia …show more content…

Because of the advancements and differentiation that had occurred between Mesopotamia and Egypt, the two societies are more different than similar. With the differentiation between these societies, many factors are not the same which is the reason why these societies have been categorized into different places. As a result of different infrastructures and cultures Mesopotamia and Egypt, throughout time have created new cultures and advancements with their different cultures and infrastructures. There were many differences between Mesopotamia and Egypt, one of the differences between the two were the Political structure. The Political Infrastructure varies greatly between Egypt and Mesopotamia. In Egypt the authority of government was created around 3100 B.C.E. from an individual named Menes which later caused for the authority of Egypt to be in the hands of Pharaohs during the Archaic Period (3100-2600 B.C.E.) and Old Kingdom (2660-2180 B.C.E). Pharaohs of the Archaic Period and Old Kingdom An example of a pharaoh that ruled Egypt would be Pharaoh Ahmosis, which during his reign from 1500 B.C.E had the full authority of Egypt. Using his power he had expelled the invaders of Egypt known as the Hyksos and had reunited Egypt. However, in Mesopotamia the …show more content…

Mesopotamians and Egyptians believed that deities intervene again really in human affairs and that proper cultivation of the Gods was an important community responsibility. Before the creation of Egypt, Mesopotamia inhabitants have had the idea of worship in their lives for decades. With majority of the population of Mesopotamia being polytheistic (meaning believing in more than one “God”) there were many “gods” that were based on natural objects. One noted example of these worshipped “gods” was the “god of air” named Enlil, which he was considered one of the most powerful “god” in the Sumerian States. With having more than one “god” being worshipped by the people, many religions have been created in the future to be carried on to the other society, Egypt. However, Egyptian religions varied quite differently. In Egypt, Pharaohs were seen as supreme tyrants that were better than every other human being, causing for these rulers to become worshipped as “gods and goddess.” Pharaohs that had offspring would take the position of supreme ruler and would be then worshipped as “god/goddess” Because of this many religions have been created in order to fulfil the needs of the people as well as the Pharaohs. An example of the pharaohs that were worshipped as