Ancient Egypt: The Collapse Of The Middle Kingdom

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Far back during 2686-2181 BC Egypt went from growing for the first time into a thriving civilization to nearly tearing out its foundation entirely. Differently ruled parts of the country with their own Kings and politics drove wedges into Egypt's core during this era, which was known as the Old Kingdom. The country was falling apart towards the end of this era, but Thebans in the South declared independence and put to use old parts of royal script and laws by using them to conquered neighboring rulers over a period of a hundred years. At the end of these hundred years they had successfully pulled together the country under one King by the name of Menhutohep II. The act of reunifying the country under one ruler was the first step towards the success of what became the Middle Kingdom. The society of the Middle Kingdom was no stranger to class. It was most definitely a class system that was identified by the upper and lower class, the upper class consisting of the king and other wealthy officials who …show more content…

The Old Kingdom's collapse was not only due to the separation of its political rule but also partial to a horrible famine due to drought. In ancient Egypt when the Nile would not flood enough to even meet the low water levels it meant hard times for the whole country, however, high flooding meant the same thing. It affected the food supply as well as the wealth of the people if the Nile was too full or not full enough. If the climate did not even out it could threaten the society as a whole, the Nile was a massive deciding factor of whether the state fell apart or were capable of standing their ground through rough times. Even the Middle Kingdom was weakened by high flood levels towards the end of its reign. When they were weakened because of how the floods threw off their way of living, large parts of Egypt were taken over and they couldn't manage to