Egypt Vs Caela

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The Caelans and Egyptians both created civilizations worth living in because of their ability to bring stability to society through an organized religion. For example, in Caela’s main religion, the elite had a special connection to the gods causing Caela to be formed into a hierarchy with the elite being put on top. As a result of the religion’s impact on the type of social system in Caela, Caela was stable as the elite were the constant rulers and there weren’t questions about successors. In addition, the ruling elite brought stability to Caela through no abrupt changes that elections would cause. Consequently, society was organized as the religion created social classes with the elite having the most power next priests, then in order artisans, farmers, and finally slaves. No social mobility in the hierarchical system allowed …show more content…

As a result, a social hierarchy formed with the pharaohs becoming the absolutists and the lower classes being in order, the nobles, scribes, merchants, and lastly slaves. As a consequence of the hierarchical system, Egypt reaped the same benefits as Caela and a single leader government allowed for stability due to the same dynasty ruling for several years. Some examples of this successfully occurring in ancient Egypt were the pass of power between to Tutankhamun from his father Akhenaten after the previous pharaoh’s death. Both Caela and Egypt had distinct social classes with the leaders being the elite and pharaohs, respectively, and the other less powerful classes below them including slaves and merchants. This happened as a result of the importance of religion and that they reflected that these individuals were closer to the gods. In this case, the two civilizations are equally successful as both religions directly caused the creation of a hierarchy, which in turn brings several benefits to a