
Egyptian Empire Kingdom

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The Egyptian Empire began when people started migrating towards the Nile River. The river provided a stable area for an agricultural civilization. Ancient Egypt is divided into several periods. The first period was called “Predynastic Period” and it lasted from 5000 B.C to 3100 B.C. During this period, there were two seperate kingdoms: Red Land in the north and White Land in the south. The second period was called “Archaic Period” and lasted from 3100 B.C to 2686 B.C. The first attempt to unify the two kingdoms was made by the king of the White Land in 3200 B.C. In 3300 B.C, King Menes of the White Land successfully unified the two kingdoms when he took over the Red Land. The capital was established in a city called "White Walls". Hieroglyphics
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