
Egyptian God Seth Research Paper

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The Egyptian god Seth or the red god was the god of four things. He was mainly the god of anarchy but he was also partly the god of war, storms and the deserts. He was the god that everyone in egypt feared the most right under Anubis. His enemy is the goddess Osiris, she is the goddess of love and peace.

The god Seth loved every thing in chaos thats why he is the god of anarchy. Actually his anarchy powers got him in a war with Horus that lasted eighty years. The reason for that battle is Horus came and wanted revenge against Seth. After the battle Seth was casted to the upper realms of Ra where he was the voice of the thunder. Horus wanted revenge because Seth killed his mother Osiris.

Now that Seth is the god of thunder to he can poses people and make them go mad. Because he is in the sky or the upper realms of Ra he is now more of a super natural god. But he can also cause storms or just plain cloudy weather. He also takes care of the upper realms while Ra is gone by fighting of spirits and snakes. …show more content…

Having control of the desert is one of the jobs he got by being sent to the upper realms. His job is basically make sure the caravans are safe while crossing on there trips. But he also uses it for evil by creating sandstorms and reeking havoc on nomads.

The last thing Seth was god of is war. The reason Seth was the god of war is because of the battle he had with Horus. The myth is he fought so hard and long with Horus that the other gods elected him the god of war. That is also because he is the god of chaos and anarchy.

in conclusion the ancient egyptian god Seth is the god of a lot of different things. They are all bad things to really. But in my opinion he is the best god that ancient Egypt made. Even if he isn’t the king of the

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