Egyptian Mythology: What Are The Egyptian Belief?

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What are the Egyptian belief? The Egyptian Mythology changed other religions because, it created an understanding of how things worked in the world. The Egyptian belief was they are gods, and these gods were a way to explain a phenomenon that they couldn't understand. This is why there are so many different gods. That represent different objects and then they praised and worshiped these gods. They made up stories for these gods so they could explain what the gods were and, what they did. In this way they could understand the world and use that to tell how things worked. They also wrote these stories into walls to show people the stories behind the gods. Then when people died the had to have another way to explain what happened to them. …show more content…

This god was also considered to vegetation and the annual Nile flood. He was considered the god of the Nile because it was considered to be a tragic. The person or the undead would first be judged by 42 divine judges. The Book of the Dead, this book with the correct words for the use of the judges. The second part of the judgment in the Egyptian belief was the 'Weighing of the Heart' ceremony. They would weigh the heart based of the persons sins. If the heart was heavier than the feather then the persons soul was fed to Ammut, the 'Devourer'. If the person was concerned about the ceremony, they could recite the spell they used. They would inscribe their name an amulet to prevent their heart from 'betraying' …show more content…

Showing how they're beliefs could have influenced other places. Being the foundation for their religion. The gods all began in Eygpt the foundation for the gods. The reason that the Romans and Greeks believed in gods. They belief that their were gods in the world made people understand how the world may have worked. Not understanding the world around them. This is why today you don't see people worshiping gods, because we understand what happens in our world. Back then they didn't know how the world worked and tried to understand it by making something up to explain it. This shows why the idea of gods was accepted and it showed its self in history till today. People still learn about gods that started in Egypt and now are still here