Calorimetry Lab Report Essay

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A sample Calculation Calculation of the dissolved amount:
Initial weight - Weight of substances left after the solution reached saturated state = Dissolved amount of substance Calculation for the average of three trials:
(Data of 1st trial + Data of 2nd trial + Data of 3rd trial) / 3 = Average

Appropriate Graph(s)

For Electrical Conductivity Experiment:
Raw Data Table (Credit: Cynthia, Emily, Haruka, Joshua, Keimin, Sean, Reorganized by me)

Qualitative Observations No qualitative observation since this experiment was conducted by Cynthia, Emily, Haruka, Joshua, Keimin, and Sean.

A sample Calculation Calculation for the average of three trials:
(Data of 1st trial + Data of 2nd trial + Data of 3rd trial) / 3 = Average

Appropriate …show more content…

However, the experiment only included one covalent bond, which decreased the reliability of the result because there could be some exceptional cases. Some strengths in the method were that they repeated each experiment for three times, which increased the reliability of the results. All the controlled variables are controlled correctly, which allowed a fair experiment. Some weaknesses in the method were that it only includes one substance for covalent bond, which can decrease the reliability as explained in the previous paragraphs. Another weakness would be that they used tap water as their solute. Tap water can contain other substances, therefore might affect the electrical conductivity. However, it probably did not have that much of an effect because they kept the solvent (tap water) controlled throughout the experiment. They did not use tap water for some trials and distilled water for other trials. Something I found difficult in carrying out the method was to make sure that the amount of substance is exactly 10g (or 30g or 60g). It is very hard to make sure the amount is to the exact amount

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