Electrolytes Ammonium Chloride Study Guide

208 Words1 Pages
1. (Cu) Cathode
2. Copper electrolyte solution usually CuSO4
3. (Cu) Half cell
4. Bulb – when lighted shows the flowing is current –
5. (Zn) electrolyte solution
6. Connecting wires
7. Anode (Zn)
8. Salt Bridge
(Cu) half-cells will be cathode and (Zn) will be anode.
Reaction anode – (Zn -> Zn2 + 2e) Reaction cathode (Cu2 + 2e -> Cu)
The electrons comes from (Zn), the negative charge and (Cn), is the positive charge. Electrons moves from (Zn) to (Cu) – from right to left –

Half-Cells Oxidation reactions Redox reactions
Anode Electrochemical oxidation Electrochemical oxidation
Cathode Electrochemical reduction Electrochemical reduction
Electrolytes Ammonium Chloride
Oxidation Reaction Anode Anode
Reduction Reaction Cathode Cathode

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