Elementary Education Act Research Paper

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Elementary Secondary Education Act: Federal Leadership or Federal Interference? The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is an act of federal leadership. I claim that the ESEA is a form of federal leadership. The information in President
Lyndon B. Johnson’s (LBJ) speech of April 11, 1965, Ann McColl’s writing of April 2005, called “Tough Call: Is No Child Left Behind Constitutional?”, and Lydia Saad’s “The Federal Government’s Role in Education,” of September 8, 2010 they all give information that support the ESEA is federal leadership and not federal interference.
First, in President Lyndon B. Johnson’s (LBJ) speech of April 11, 1965, he says “By passing this bill, we bridge the gap between helplessness and hope for more …show more content…

Constitution of 1791,” could give an examples of as to why certain people think that this is a federal interference.
First, the “Common Core Octopus” shows the life being suck out of the people who are running the different sections in the U.S. Department of Education, and this is happening because the U.S. Department of Education is allowing the state and local communities to have all the power, to control the testing, data, etc.
In Senator Lamar Alexander’s excerpts “Remarks before the National Education Association upon Receiving the National Association Friend of Education Award,” he says, “...the classroom teachers of America, who helped pass the law to fix No Child Left Behind, who helped reverse the trend toward a national school board, and who helped restore responsibility for children in 100,000 public schools to the states, to the communities, and to the classroom teacher where it belongs...For 15 years, your classrooms have been ruled from Washington, D.C…”. In the quote, that Senator Alexander wrote, means that for 15 years the state and public communities have been ran by Washington, D.C, and teachers have been voting for the federal government to be involved in students