Elements Of Innocence In The Scarlet Ibis, The Boat

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The pieces of writing; "The Scarlet Ibis" by James Hurst, "The Boat" by Alistair MacLeod, and "Life is Beautiful" by Roberto Benigni show elements of innocence and unawareness when looking into the face of life's most terrible occurrences. I chose "The Scarlet Ibis", "The Boat", and "Life is Beautiful" because they all have huge elements of innocence driving the story. In "The Scarlet Ibis, Doodle was so hurt when the bird fell from the tree that he buried it in the front yard, despite his pain in standing for that amount of time. In “The Boat” Hunter is so focused on making his father proud that he is willing to give up his dream of fishing with his father. In “Life Is Beautiful” Joshua believes his dad, Guido, when he tells him that the Holocaust is a game despite seeing SS with guns shooting people, and men being forced to labour all day. "The Scarlet Ibis" by James Hurst, "The Boat" by Alistair MacLeod, and "Life is Beautiful" by Roberto Benigni …show more content…

Doodle, the narrator's brother, was so hurt when the bird fell from the tree that he buried it in the front yard, despite his pain in standing for that amount of time. Doodle may have pictured that bird as himself, but he felt bad for it because he knew what it was like to be restrained to a point where it was dangerous. This shows that he is innocent because Doodle feels so strongly for the bird and the rest of the family just looks at it as a cool occurrence. Doodle was innocent and a snobbery. He paid attention to detail and noticed the little things that made his death all the more