Elements Of National Identity

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Returning to national identity, Smith names the fundamental elements of this concept as following: «a historic territory, or homeland; common myths and historical memories; a common, mass public culture; common legal rights and duties for all members; and a common economy with territorial mobility for members» (1991: 14). Smith (ibidem) does not clearly distinguish between the nation and national identity, for they both are complex constructs comprising various elements, «ethnic, cultural, territorial, economic and legal-political» (Smith, A.D. 1991:15), with the community being based upon collective solidarity resulting from shared traditions, symbols and memories. Therefore, national identity is of multidimensional character, on the one hand standing the territorial-civic, and on the other hand the ethnic-genealogical components. Essential to mention is that the national identity is not embraced by its members on the same level, and often the perceptions of the public is different to certain extent from that of political elites (Kaufmann 2008).

Collective identities are felt on different levels on the European continent, comprehending local and regional, national and global, and since the creation of the European Union also a European identity. Nowadays, there is a tendency towards a fierce battle for identities, however, retaining an identity proves to be a laborious task. Liquid times, a concept invented by Bauman, deprive societies of solid basis. Our paradigms of