
Eliahu Son In The Book Night By Elie Wiesel

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In the book “Night” by Elie Wiesel rabbi Eliahou's son levea his father because his father was to slow.For example, rabbi Eliahu says that he lost sight of his son the the journey and that he fell behind so he could find him.(91). I think rabbi Eliahu fell behind because he was to weak to keep running with his son. I also think rabbi Eliahu son left him because he kept running. Then, Elie say that he remembered rabbi eliahu son had seen his father start to lose ground and he still kept running to create space between them.(91). I think rabbi eliahu son did this because he knew that his father would not make the voyage.I also think he did this so that he did not have to take care of his father no more and he could just worry about himself. In
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