Night By Elie Wiesel Chapter 1 Summary

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Elie meets Moishe the Beadle, who teaches Elie about Kabbalah

All of the foreign Jews are expelled from Sighet, including Moishe
Moishe returns to Sighet to tell the Jews about what he experienced, but no one believes him
German soldiers come to Sighet and begin to oppress the Jews slowly
Passover begins
The leaders of the Jewish community are arrested on the seventh day of Passover
The Jewish people are no longer allowed to own any valuables and are stripped of their belongings
The Jewish people must wear the yellow star to be identified at all times
Two ghettos are created and the Jews are transferred within them
Elie and his family are moved to the small ghetto
Elie and his family are moved out of the ghetto on one of the transports …show more content…

Elie vows to never be like the Rabbi's son and to never leave his father.

The Jews continue marching until they arrive in Gleiwitz
Juliek plays violin until he dies
There is a selection and Elie and his father are sent to different sides, A commotion booms and his father is able to switch sides.
They are sent on a train that makes constant stops to throw out the dead

They stop in German town and the civilians throw bread into the trains
They arrive in Buchenwald

Chapters 8&9:
They are sent to the showers, however, Elie's father wants to sit and not go on

An alert sounds
Elie is separated from his father, but finds him the next morning

The blocks are cleaned and Elie's father begins to suffer from dysentery

Elie goes to the doctor who says there is nothing he can do to save Elie's father
The other men begin to steal Mr. Wiesel's food and beat him because they can no longer stand