Elie Wiesel Character Analysis

423 Words2 Pages

Hunter Sprankle
Night: Strength

Elie Wiesel starts off Night by discussing his seemingly normal life before the Holocaust. Elie and his family are soon captured in his home town Sighet, and are taken as prisoners. Once in a concentration camp, Elie was separated from everyone in his family except for his father. While living in the concentration camp, Elie and his father had to survive the German soldiers abusive acts towards them and the other Jewish people living in the camp. These acts had a lifelong effect on Elie and they changed him forever. Elie Wiesel’s experience through the Holocaust changes him from living a “normal life” to living a life where he is mentally, physically and emotionally stronger because of the struggles …show more content…

Elie, lived a normal life with his family of six at the beginning of Night, but him and his family are soon taken out of their homes and taken to ghettos. A ghetto is a part of a town or a city that is put in to segregate or isolate a group of people. Later, Elie and his family are taken to a concentration camp called “Auschwitz”. Here, Elie and his father are separated from the rest of his family, “‘Men to the left! Women to the right!’... I didn’t know that this was the moment in time and the place where I was leaving my mother and Tzipora forever”(Wiesel 28). Being separated from most of his family affected Elie’s emotions and his mentality. This affected Elie’s emotions and mentality because he became very reliant upon his father for a reason to keep fighting. When Elie was put through all of the abusive acts from the German soldiers, he kept fighting because he hoped that after one more struggle, he would be free with his father. After Elie’s father died in Buchenwald, Elie almost gave up, “Suddenly, the evidence overwhelmed me: there was no longer any reason to live, to fight”(Wiesel 99). His father’s death completely changed Elie’s mentality towards the fight for freedom, Elie did not see any reason to keep fighting after his father’s death. Even though there was no reason for Elie to keep fighting, he continued to try to survive in this very difficult world that he lived