Elie Wiesel Loss Of Innocence Essay

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The loss of innocence in the family. Elie loses his innocence at the young age of 15 due to the horrible things he witnessed during the Holocaust while at the concentration camps. When working, Elie sees how poorly the Germans are treating the Jews. Since the death of his father, Elie loses his hope in life. Elie is impacted by the loss of innocence in three ways by losing his faith in his future. He loses the faith in God, and when he has no passion or sympathy for the deaths around him. When Elie lost his innocence after losing his father and by becoming aware of the world around him or doing something that evokes the guilt out of him. Elie loses his innocence at 15 due to the horrible things he witnessed during the Holocaust while at the …show more content…

Families should always be important to you no matter what. Elie and his father are in a very rough spot because they are in concentration camps in Auschwitz and Buchenwald. They are going through times trying to survive in the camp so they would have to stick together. “Listen to me, kid. Don’t forget that you are in a concentration camp. In this place, it is every man for himself, and you cannot think of others. Not even your father. In this place, there is no such thing as a father, brother, or friend. Each of us lives and dies alone.” This shows how Elie is a newcomer to the camp and the leader tells him that he can’t care about anyone but himself. He is concerned about the boy worrying about his father’s survival as well as his own. Elie is saying that his father is weak and close to death, he is determined to keep him alive and for them to stay together, even though his actions pose a great risk to …show more content…

Some things about the loss of innocence: the Pipel in the gallows. The neighbors of Elie and his family are watching them as they leave for the ghetto, and then when Shlomo was questioning the world’s silence. “Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed.” The Pipel in the gallows was the hanging of the young Pipel which symbolizes the death of God because when the young child suffered unable to die because of his light weight. Then Elie believed that God must be dead if he would allow such an outrageous thing to take place. When the neighbors were watching them leave for the ghetto, they had already been moved to a smaller ghetto, to them a former “friend” would visit them and offers to hide them in her village. Things that happen and that are being said about god can hit the others hard because some are being treated differently in the camps. Elie claims that his faith is utterly destroyed, though he says that he will never forget these things even if he can or will live as long as god