Elie Wiesel Use Of Repetition In Night

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What can a person do if their language is tainted with malevolent intentions towards others, how about after sixty millions of their own people are inhumanly slaughtered with little to no respect? Nothing can ease a person’s trauma and torment, attempting to explain an event of such horrific context is extremely for a survivor of said event. However, another problem arises, how one thoroughly explains an event that they desperately do not want to relive. Many Holocaust survivors, who are literary geniuses, use a variety of methods in order to express their opinions and experiences to the reader. Elie Wiesel’s use of repetition, Art Spiegelman’s use of a bizarre genre to create symbolism while explaining euphemisms, and many survivors opening up to the younger generation at Holocaust themed museums. A simple method to ensure a person will easily understand a message or assignment is repetition. Elie Wiesel, a survivor that was liberated from Buchenwald at a young age, used repetition in his critically acclaimed memoir Night, 1958. One passage from the book used a recurring phrase “Never shall I forget” that was repeated on seven occasions. The purpose for the repeated phrase was not only to create repetition, but also to …show more content…

Art Spiegelman’s Maus, 1986, uses a positive and light-hearted genre, comic strip, to explain a gruesome event in world history. In the story, anthropomorphic dogs represent Jewish prisoners of concentration camps and the Nazi Party is made up of Cats. This explains a good portion of what the Holocaust was, while at the same time carrying the reader’s attention with a constant metaphor that enhances the plots focus. Creating real-world euphemism to the audience increases the chance of them understanding on how the author feels about a