Elie Wiesel's Book Night And The Perils Of Indifference

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Elie Wiesel went through a lot as a holocaust survivor. Because he had to suffer in concentration camps, I think he should be one to know a lot about the perils of indifference. Elie Wiesel’s book Night, released in 1958 and his magnificent speech, The Perils of Indifference from 1999 both share and try to convince the audience about his main message, which is that indifference is dangerous. In his speech, he explains how indifference about others is much easier than caring about them, and so much easier to look away from victims. His book Night is a haunting tale about the horrors Jewish people experienced during World War II. This book explains the perils of indifference by telling us about how much the Jews suffered and the fact that no one felt the need to act upon these abhorrent actions by the Nazis immediately. This marks the point where I will begin talking about Elie Wiesel’s book Night and how it drives …show more content…

The first reason his speech explains how indifference is the worst emotion is by explaining how indifference affects people. This quote️️️, “Indifference is not a beginning, it is an end. And, therefore, indifference is always the friend of the enemy, for it benefits the aggressor — never his victim, whose pain is magnified when he or she feels forgotten.”, helps you understand what happens when one, or many people act with indifference. Another reason that Elie Wiesel’s speech promotes his idea that indifference is detrimental is the way he notifies us about what we as humans can do to do the right thing by not acting with indifference. He gives examples of significant events from the 20th century that are examples of acting with indifference, such as America supplying Nazi Germany with oil or not saving Jews during World War II, but also not acting with indifference, for example the collapse of Nazis, communism and