
Elizabeth And Prejudice

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People of the lower status also shows prejudice against those people of higher status. This is evidenced by our protagonist Elizabeth. Elizabeth shows prejudice against Mr. Darcy and her prejudice begins the moment she overhear a conversation between Mr. bingley and his friend Mr. Darcy when he avoided to dance with any ladies at the ball. She because of Mr. Darcy’s actions judge Mr. Darcy as cruel and offensive. Elizabeth does allows her personal feelings deceive her since she does not take time to actually dig deep about Mr. Darcy. Her judgments are based on appearance rather than reality. Once a person have constructed enough hatred towards another person it often easy to believe anything bad is said about that person. Elizabeth evidence this the moment she believe accusations made by Wickam to Mr. Darcy. She is considered prejudice just because she chooses to believe Wickam without actually to think whether Mr. Darcy is capable of doing such inhumanity. Her prejudice hinders her ability to recognize that she actually likes Mr. Darcy. …show more content…

Elizabeth bennet let go of her pride and give mr darcy chance to explain himself. Listening to mr darcy’s explaination she is able to rectify her judgements against him. She give her time reading mr darcy’s letter which enables her to her eyes and realize her wrong judgements. She realises that ‘Till this moment, I never knew myself’(36.18-19). She finally realises how ‘blind, partial, and prejudiced’ she has been. She also realises that she has been guilty of the same fault she accused Darcy of having –

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