Ella Minnow Pea Quotes

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The novel “Ella Minnow Pea” written by Mark Dunn, describes the tragic story of Nollop Island. Mr. Nevin Nollop – the man for whom this Island named. At the center of Nollop Island is pedestal upon which his sculpture and words: "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"(2). He invented the sentence which obtaining all the letters of the alphabet. All its inhabitants live by the rules established by the five-man council. Life seemed normal. One day, the people of Nollop suddenly realize that their freedom, which they enjoyed up to that moment, is on a very shaky ground. The Council decided to get rid of the first letter of alphabet, but this is only a beginning of things to come. After this seemingly small incident, the council proceeds to ban more letters of the alphabet. It has done by banning the use of any word, containing this letter. Suddenly all the words containing prohibited letters begin to …show more content…

After such a decree the people of Nollop begin to live in fear. As a Mark Dunn shows us, “Today The Tribune published the names of fifty-eight of the sixty men, women, and children charged this week with first offense. (Two names were unpublishable due to the presence of a particular letter within.) All were speakers of banned words—words overheard upon the lanes, in schoolyards and church pews, and on the common greens. Neighbor turning in neighbor, perpetuating old grudges and grievances with this new weapon unleashed upon us by the High Island Council.” (21), the spying becomes obligatory and total, a way of life for every person, irrespectively of their age. This inevitably led to the denunciations, which a typical feature of every totalitarian