Ellie Wiesel Character Analysis

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Throughout the story the main character (Ellie Wiesel) went through a lot of changes. The traumatic events of the concentration camps and the murder of most then eventually all of his family definitely changed the way he thought about the world around him. Throughout the story he kept certain traits he was , Smart, Observant, Conflicted, reserved, and careful. Those are some of his main traits, some of the other traits he had stayed the same but others were changed or lost. Ellie throughout the story was very smart. He might not think so, but he was very smart. He showed that he was smart in many situations in the story. The main example of him being smart is him trying not to be noticed. He knew that the more he was noticed the more that he would put him in harms way. He tried his best at all times to stay out of harms way. He didn't do anything significant to draw attention to himself. Another example would be on one of the train rides ,when people were so hungry they were beginning to become delusional, someone threw bread into the train. Even though he wanted desperately to eat the bread he thought that if he went after it he would be killed by the others. He was smart by not going after it because he would probably be killed by the other stronger men if he did. Sometimes he would slip up and not pay …show more content…

Ellie wanted to tear his face with his fingernails he said, but being thoughtful and more reserved he decided not to. If Ellie wasn’t reserved and thoughtful he would've died. He could've died on the train fighting for bread, he could've died when he wanted to eat out of the two unsupervised soup cauldrons, he could’ve died when he wanted to run into the electric fence when he first arrived in auschwitz, but being thoughtful and not so hot-headed he overcome these thoughts and urges and made the smart