Ellie's Humanity In Night By Elie Wiesel

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In Night ,written by Elie Wiesel. Ellie's reveals his deep humanity though many events that occurred while in Concentration Camps. One event that demonstrates Ellie's humanity the most is when the Rabbi is looking for his son, Zalman. In chapter six the inmates are evacuated and made to run. If they stop or fall they were immediately shot dead by the SS soldiers. While Ellie is trying to keep running and not stop a fellow prisoner named Zalman is next to him. Elie recognizes Zalman , because Zalman worked in the electrical warehouse at Buna. While running side by side Zalman whispers to him that he has a stomach ache. and that he needs to stop. Elie responses with "Wait a bit, Zalman.We shall all be stopping soon. We're not going to run