Emergence Of Ideological Contradictions Between The US And The United States

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After the most bloody war in the history of mankind - World War II where the USSR became the winner terminated, prerequisites for emergence of new confrontation between the West and the East, between the USSR and the USA were created. Ideological contradictions between the capitalist model of society peculiar for the USA, and socialist which existed in the USSR became the main reasons for emergence of this opposition known under the name "Cold War". Each of two superstates wanted to see itself at the head of all world community and to equip life, following the ideological principles. In addition, the Soviet Union after World War II established the domination in countries of Eastern Europe where the communistic ideology set in. As a result of the USA along with Great Britain the possibility of that frightened, the USSR will be able to become the world leader and to establish the domination, both in political, and in the economic sphere of life. In the same …show more content…

It also promoted strengthening of totalitarian regime in the USSR. Armament race led also to discoveries: more intensively the nuclear physics began to develop, wider scope was gained by space researches.
Historical Background
After the end of World War II which became the most large-scale and cruel conflict for all history of mankind there was an opposition between the countries of the communistic camp on the one hand and the western capitalist countries with another. Between two superstates of that time of the USSR and the USA. It is possible to characterize Cold War briefly as rivalry for domination in the new post-war world.
Unsoluble ideological contradictions, between two models of society socialist and capitalist became the main reason of Cold War. The West was afraid of strengthening of the USSR. Played a role and absence at the countries of winners of the general enemy, and also, ambitions of political leaders.
Historians allocate the following stages of Cold

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