Components Of Literacy In Children's Oral Language

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In the emergent literacy theory skills are not dependent on one another. This means a child can learn a concept or procedural knowledge even if another area is weak. For example, a student can read the word without being able to write the word can independently. There is not one clearly defined path for a child to learn to read and write. Educators must acknowledge the differences in each component of emergent literacy and adjust teaching and scaffolding accordingly.

Reading Components Emergent literacy focuses on three main components of literacy instruction, print awareness, language and phonological awareness. Oral language is a vital part of learning how to read and write. Humans constantly use language for communication, social …show more content…

Phonological awareness is can be a predicator of a student’s literacy suggest. Each stage of phonological awareness requires the student to auditorialy manipulate sounds. Children first learn how to rhyme. Print awareness had two main sections, alphabet knowledge and concepts of print. Alphabet knowledge in ones understanding of the symbol and sound relationship in a language structure. This includes the task of letter naming, identifying the sounds of letter, match text letters with their sounds and producing the letter (Purcell 2003). A child’s oral language can influence their print awareness through, syntax, grammar and recognizing differences between spoken and written words. Concepts of print refers to understanding how a book and text on a page works. There is a basic development continuum for concepts of print. The child first determines print has a message, the difference between letter and word, left to right in the English language, return sweep and page orientation. Marie Clay developed an assessment to determine the knowledge base a student has about print. Developing literacy skills involves beginning phonological awareness as well as alphabet knowledge by learning to separate speech into words and to match sounds and letters (Mason & J.Stewart, …show more content…

Next they write letters or words they may have seen from their environment or books. Emergent writing is a process where it is necessary for the child to integrate phonological awareness (isolate individual sounds in words) print awareness (text has meaning) and language (words provide a message). Elizabeth Sulzby (1986) research determined children acquire early writing skills before they are conventional readers. Today is it understood children can express their knowledge of emergent literacy through writing as well as reading. Studies have shown students who spend more time writing are more code focused when it comes to reading. Code focused students have higher alphabet knowledge and word recognition then students who perform more activities with meaning focused. Early writing strengthens a child’s understanding and knowledge of emergent literacy.
Non-Literacy Factors Community, demographics and culture are interlinked factors effecting a child’s early literacy skills. These factors dictate the child’s early literacy opportunities, how literacy is valued, and support the child receives at home in regard to reading and writing. Environment is important in ensuring the child has sufficient exposure to literature. The environment includes home and school (Rohde, 2015).
Pellegrini (2001) states that the role of social contexts, specifically through relationships, is critical in developing literate