
Emily Prentiss In Criminal Minds

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The TV character that I chose is Emily Prentiss from the show Criminal Minds. This character is a female FBI special agent, who is very independent, strong, and a smart woman. She is working with other special agents whom are very specialized in what they are doing. Throughout the show, her conversations are mainly about FBI’s work, so all of her language is very technical and specific that outside people might not understand those terms. According to what I have found I could say that her language is specific due to her specific career position (terminology), she also uses a lot of technical terms outside of her career field. Moreover, her speech indicates that she is very well-organized, highly-skilled, and very formal, and the variations …show more content…

Example: “Garrett killed twenty-five women before he was caught. If this new unsub is a copycat, body count's just started.”
In this case, she uses the word “unsub,” in this TV show it means “unidentified subject or killer,” that maybe someone is working outside the FBI might not know what it means. And “copycat” is someone who is copying another person killing’s act. In other case, she also uses “MO” when she is talking about killer’s method of killing. This language stereotype is shown throughout the show not just her but the other actors as well. This kind of language is specific and unique due to its special meaning and context, which is so vital for this character’s position.
Not only she is using this specific technical terms in FBI, but she also uses many unique terms form the medical field, because usually murder cases are involved with forensic science’s technical …show more content…

Example: “These men share a very tight bond, and a mutual compulsion to kill, but their signatures reveal two very distinct personalities. One brutalizes the parents. This is the dominant one. Sadistic, remorseless, extremely volatile. The other prefers a needle. His injections are consistent with an angel of death. He's more withdrawn, sensitive, and he has a warped sense of mercy.” The scenario above gives us the sense that her character is highly-skilled, well-organized, well-said, and very formal. Her choices of words or language are well-explained and associated with her knowledge that she knows what exactly how to describe the killer in FBI’s term. Therefore this character’s language is formal, prestigious, and the language she uses is very well-chosen. Her choice of vocabulary is strong and technical. Therefore, I could conclude that this character’s identity is strong, prestigious, dependent, knowledgeable, and well-

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