Emmett Till's Impact On The Civil Rights Movement

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If it wasn’t for the Civil Rights Movement we would still all be at just schools for blacks and one for whites. So give a monumental thanks in your heart to all the people who stood up and made a difference. Now that we're all finished, I can tell you what I learned. (1) I learned about many incredible people who helped out during the Civil Rights Movement. And about all the dashingly(ly)- heroic(QA) people. (2) Underneath all the learning that happened there was knowledge. While(CL) there are many people who impacted the Civil Rights, nobody really knows how many. Because(BC) there are many people who impacted the Civil Rights, people should at least know some of their names. The Civil Rights Movement, which(w-w) is important, lasted(SV) for many years. As you can see, even though lots of people helped impact the Civil Rights my three favorite are Ruby Bridges, President John F. Kennedy, and Emmett Till. While(CL) the whole ball of wax is incredibly depressing, it’s also inspiring. The topic of Emmett Till’s death is inspiring because he helped impact the Civil Rights Movement. He helped out the Civil Rights by flirting with a white cashier. According to history Emmett Till, who was 14 years of age at the time, flirted with a white cashier lady in August 24, 1995. Also, when Emmett Till was 14 years of age he died. There …show more content…

This little girl, who(w-w) is brave(QA), impacted the Civil Rights Movement. Because(BC) Ruby made history, people should know more about her. While(CL) yes, people should know about her they should also know that Ruby was presented to attend an all whites school. (2) With regret, I tell you that on Ruby’s first day of school, she had no choice to be escorted by marshals. I’m delighted to tell you that Ruby Bridges is gratefully(ly) alive. The school that Ruby proceeded to is William Frantz Elementary school. As you can see, Ruby Bridges is just one of the amazing people who impacted the Civil Rights