Emotions In Romeo And Juliet

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Emotions concern the many states of the mind, and intense experiences such as infatuation or desolation can cause psychological changes. Within the events of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, characters are represented to be sensitive and emotionally driven. In many ways, it is a play that develops with each addition of emotion and culminates in the tragedy of both main characters. To elaborate, the story recounts the lives of two lone heirs from opposing families in a century-long vendetta that endure hardship. As the story progresses, sadness, love, and anger are emotions that dictate the direction of the characters and their decision-making Sadness is a human behavior that stems from the sense of loss. Symptoms of sadness can involve …show more content…

Her first encounter with Romeo is surprising, and her deliberation about the situation displays her defiance of societal norms. In more context, she ponders of him on the balcony, "Deny thy father and refuse thy name/Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love/And I’ll no longer be a Capulet" (II.ii.34-36). Wishing to abandon her life to escape and experience love is a bold statement and describes her headstrong behavior and passionate emotions. Though her thought process is premature and alludes to teen psychology where the novelty of love slowly builds an attachment to Juliet and makes her more irrational, like when she commits suicide after her lover is gone. As Romeo and Juliet are together actively, they will create more conflicting issues relating to their relationship. Most notably, the time when Juliet obtained the mixture from the Friar to accompany Romeo in Mantua. She demands, "Give me, give me! O, tell not me of fear!" (IV.i.124). Her assessment of the situation is questionable, but she has no hesitation in the fact that her need to stay with Romeo is an importance that outweighs life. Ironically, when she tries to restore her feeling of adequacy, she loses her cousin and hand in marriage. As a result, the circumstances involving love lead the main characters to fall into their fate