Emperor Qin: The Great Wall Of China

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Emperor Qin was the first imperial ruler of China. Qin unified all 7 warring states in ancient China. Qin is known for his great construction projects. Such as, starting the “Great Wall of China.” Qin started the Great Wall of China, but was unable to finish. Qin was a legalist. Legalists believed that people should live by legal principles or in the formal structure of governmental institutions. While ancient China was under Qin’s rule, Qin buried 460 scholars alive. Qin also burned priceless scrolls because of a belief he held. 300,000 farmers were drafted by Qin’s order from their homes, to come work for him. Qin died by drinking mercury. After examining the history …show more content…

This had a unifying effect on the Chinese culture for thousands of years and is considered an important achievement under the Qin dynasty. Also a style of calligraphy was created which is still used in cards, posters and advertising. Other reforms during Qin rule include standardization of currency, weights and measures.”
Some people hold the belief that Qin was a bad leader because they believe he is to bossy. For example, they say “ Qin always had to take control and have everything go his way. Qin killed 460 Confucian scholars, that makes it clear he is a bad leader.” However, this does outline the criteria that defines a bad leader because he was very bossy and did take control of everything. Although that does meet the criteria that defines a bad leader I still hold the belief that Qin is a good leader.

Furthermore, Qin is a progressive leader because he is motivated, he has some communication skills, Qin is partly honest, he is organized, and he is smart and creative . One reason I maintain this position is because Qin meets the criteria that makes a progressive leader. Qin started the great wall of China to protect his country, that makes me believe he is a progressive