Legalist Changes In The Qin Dynasty

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The Qin Dynasty reigned over a small period but made great/bad changes to Ancient China. The first emperor of the Qin Dynasty was Qin Shi Huang, a legalist. The Qin Dynasty was full of legalist changes. Qin Dynasty was changed by Qin Shi Huang by introducing legalism, making laws, and standardizing money for Ancient China. The Qin Dynasty was full of legalist change. The Qin Dynasty was ruled by a legalist who came to power and strongly led China. Qin Shi Huang worked tirelessly to try and come to power for the vision he had, never had China been so vast and powerful. He built magnificent palaces for himself, constructed defenses, directed campaigns, and traveled on extensive tours just to come up with the power to rule China and follow his vision. Source 3 shows that Qin Shi Huang took over …show more content…

Source 6 says walls has been built as early as the seventh century BCE to defend against tribes in the north and other warring kingdoms. One million people were forced to build this wall for the whole country's stake. He standardized money, and currency and made laws to impact Ancient China. Source 4 says that his government made weights, measures, and currency the same throughout Ancient China. Qin Shi Huang made weights and measures the same for the country and sent them to govern for his mentality and power to grow and for the country to believe in his worth as an emperor. Source 4 says the written characters have been reduced and standardized for the whole country. The people understood each other because of the written characters but the characters were much the same as those used today. This helped Ancient China improve of power and be unified with more people, this could create a whole village. The emperor Qin Shi Huang bought a big change of power to Ancient Chinese society by standardizing money and building a great wall barrier across all