Employee Handbook Changes

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Most companies provide employees with an employee handbook, to communicate the company’s policies and procedures as conditions of employment. The employer usual present the employee with an agreement of full understanding and request their signature of confirmation. As the employee continues to be employed at that company, their may need to be changes made to the employee handbook, that was originally provided to the employee. These changes are often made without notification. The changes are often made with the discretion of the employer. I would have to agree that the changes or modification to the handbook, for the most part, appears to be fair. As the world turns and move forward, the company’s needs may also change and move forward. The policies and regulations that the company once abided by, may also change or require modification. Therefore, it is appropriate for the company to make revisions to the employee handbook, that fits the needs of the company. There …show more content…

The company may update its employee handbook to protect the company and remain legally compliant. For example, Equal Opportunity Employee policies must express prohibition to include all forms of gender or sexual orientation beliefs. A company may decide to update its employer handbook, at its discretion, to provide an update from the previous stated “discrimination against employees based on age, race, or nation of origin isn’t permitted” (Nonprofit World, 2017, Pg28). There are other reasons that would require employers to update the handbook, that is proven to be fair. Currently, the world is faced with people who continue to fight for labor laws and wage changes. Employers would need to update the handbook to reflect any wage laws and changes to minimum wage, in order to remain in compliance with labor laws. Furthermore, it would be at the discretion of the employer to provide this