Encyclical On The Sacrament Of Marriage

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The Catholic Church believes the sacrament of marriage is an opportunity designed to join two souls together and experience a sense of agape love; however the Catholic Church acknowledges a need for an annulment under certain circumstances. The research stated shows the views and understandings of the sacrament of matrimony, the circumstances and explanation of how and when an annulment would be seen as acceptable, then an explanation of an annulment and how a person who has filed for an annulment plays a role in the church and to the society as a whole. Throughout the Bible, there are constant references to marriage. From the first book, God made man and thought he needed a wife; he removed a vital part of the body, a rib, to …show more content…

Pope Paul VI’s encyclical on the Church’s teaching on procreation and the meaning and purpose of the sexual gift within a marriage. The encyclical offered reasons for the immorality of contraception and predicted what would take place if it were to become common in society; there would be an increase in marital infidelity and a general lowering of the morality of the youth. Marriage signifies the reciprocation of the “personal gift of self, proper and exclusive to them, husband and wife tend towards the communion of their beings in view of mutual personal perfection, to collaborate with God in the generation and education of new lives.” Man and woman were deliberately supposed to comprehend and appreciate each other fully in the marriage. The Catholic Church believes this can only be done when you are fully committed to one person in your marriage in your lifetime. The Bible states, “What God has joined together, no human must separate.” (Mark 10:9) Ultimately God’s plan in marriage should not be broken or compromised. The Catholic Church defines natural marriage as a marriage between one man and one woman. The main conditions that are required from a natural marriage are …show more content…

From the first book of the Bible, God commands man and woman to “be fruitful and multiply.” (Gen 1:28) Pope Pius XI’s encyclical, the Casti Connubii, states, “The primary end of marriage is the procreation and the education of children.” Also implied in this command is the restriction of the goods of marriage—the conjugal act and procreation—to the married state. If the spouses firstly agree to raise the children Catholic then no longer agree a civil divorce may be filed. The Pope Pius XI encyclical, St. Augustine expresses the idea that marriage is to produce offspring; therefore developing the benefits of the sacrament. Annulment is applicable if an abortion is suggested by one of the spouses. If this situation occurs during the marriage, it shows that the couples are unwilling to procreate. Because one of the members of the marriage are not willing to accept the children that God has granted to them, their vows are either not followed or stated incorrectly; therefore invalidating the marriage. Here states some conditions stated by Pope Francis in his apostolic letter, Motu Proprio, where an annulment would be viewed as acceptable within the Catholic Church. In his article, he stated “an obstinate persistence in an extra conjugal relationship at the time of the wedding or immediately following it; the deceitful concealment of sterility, or grave contagious illness, or children from a

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