End Of Reconstruction Dbq Essay

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The Reconstruction was a period in American history after the American civil war (1865-1877). The Reconstruction happened in the former Confederate States. During the Civil War, many lives were lost and many were left injured or traumatized. People were upset about some of the things that led up to the Civil War. Slaves were eventually set free and the freedmen were able to vote. Reconstruction was necessary to get America back to the way that it was before everything that occurred in the Civil War and build it back up. Eventually, the time of Reconstruction had to come to an end. Although Northerners' neglect contributed to the end of Reconstruction, Southerner's Resistance effectively killed Reconstruction because of their lack of interest …show more content…

“In the 1870s. Northern voters grew indifferent to events in the South. Weary of the ‘Negro Question’ and ‘sick of carpet bag’ government, many Northern voters shifted their attention to such national concerns as the Panic of 1873 and corruption in Grant’s administration. Although political violence continued in the South. The tide of public opinion in the North began to turn against Reconstruction policies'' (Document C). In the fall of 1873, even the staunchly pro-Grant and pro-Freedome Boston Evening Transcript ran a letter arguing that blacks, as a people, are unfit for the proper exercise of political duties. The rising generation of blacks needed a period of probation and instruction; a period long enough for the black to have forgotten something of his condition as a slave and learned much of the true method of gaining honorable subsistence and of performing the duties of any position to which he might aspire” (Document D). The reason why I think that Documents C and D prove how Northerners' neglect contributed to the end of Reconstruction is that Northern voters grew indifferent to the events in the South, and Northern voters shifted their attention to such national concerns as the Panic of 1873 and corruption. Because of the negro Quation and sick of the carpet baggers people in the North no longer supported Reconstruction which made them more and more closer to respecting Southerners' options and the KKK. They started to not believe that the reconstruction could change the United States and they lost the belief in unity between the North and the South. Document D explains how at the south carolina state legislature, the South believed that the blacks were unfit to be leaders in the government because they lacked experience and they needed a period of probation and instruction. And the North agreed with them even when what they believed was wrong. The Northern neglect of blacks and