Why North Killed Reconstruction

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Why do people ignore things that they don’t like or understand? Reconstruction is the rebuilding of the south, freedmen, and the United States. The reconstruction was meant to rebuild the damage of the Union. After a 4 year war against the North and South, North became victorious. With the battle won, there was also many destruction to be rebuild. Building were destroyed and freedmen didn’t know what to do. With the reconstruction in progress, things might be looking good, so that's what they thought. The north and south were given a role on the reconstructions, and failed, but who killed the reconstruction? In my opinion, the south resistance killed Reconstruction. To start off, The South resistance killed the reconstruction. Textual Evidence …show more content…

They didn’t care the problems the north had because they had their own. They ignored the problems the north had. From the reading, “Harper’s Weekly, 1876,” stats “Weary of the ‘Negro Question’ and ‘sick of carpet-bag’ government, many Northern voters shifted their attention to such national concerns as the Panic of 1873 and the corruption in Grant’s administration…. Although political violence continued in the North…. the tide of public opinion in the north began to turn against reconstruction policies.” This demonstrates how the North neglected the reconstruction because they didn’t care about the south problems anymore, they were focusing on their own. From the reading, “Harper’s weekly March 14 1874,” states, “The rising generation of blacks needed t a period of probation and instruction; a period long enough for the black to have forgotten something of his condition as a slave and learned much of the rue method of gaining honorable subsistence and of performing the duties of any position to which he might aspire.”(Document D)This shows that the neglected the reconstruction, by not making the freedmen not feel like citizens.This is how the north killed the reconstruction. They neglected the reconstruction. They turned away from the problems of the violence the south was facing. they also made the freedmen not make them feel like citizens due to their past. This how the North’s neglection killed the