Energy Drinks Experiment

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In 2013, the hypothesis of a study was energy drinks will allow a player to run more distances during the tournament (Coso, Portillo, Munoz, Abian-Vicen, Gonzalez-Millan, & Munoz-Guerra, 2013). The method used is a double-blind, placebo-controlled and randomized experimental design. The study used sixteen women from the Spanish Rugby Sevens National Team(Coso et al., 2013). They were in their twenties and weighed on average one hundred forty-six pounds. There were two competitive days, Monday and Thursday of the same week. Each day there were three games. Randomly the players took a powdered caffeine energy drink dissolved in 250mL of tap water to get 3 mg/kg of caffeine per kg, or the same drink with no caffeine content. Eight players with caffeine and eight players with placebo for each competition day. The placebo drink and energy drink looked identical and had similar taste. The beverages were in opaque plastic bottles, consumed one hour before the game. Two days before the experiment, participants were nude-weighed to calculate the amount of energy drinks they had. The rugby players did the same exercise every time before a test. They were told to keep away from caffeine, and alcohol two days before the test. On the day of the experimental trials, participants ate three hours before they began the tests. Before the game, urine samples were collected from the players. The sample was frozen at -30 C to see the amount of caffeine was in it. Then the players …show more content…

The energy drink increased running pace (Ps conclusions are that the ingestion of 3 mg/kg of caffeine using an energy drink increased the speed of the players and movement patterns during the rugby games. Also, the energy drink had an insignificant side-effect that shows the energy drink was not a health risk to the players, at least with the dosage used in this investigation (Coso et al.,

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