English 1-10 Literary Terms

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Verse 1: The language of angels means that they speak in a speech that people cannot understand or interpret. Without love, speech would only be noise like a musical instrument that produces a loud bang or crash, but no harmony or rhythm.
Verse 2: Anyone with the deepest knowledge and the greatest faith, the gift of prophecy and know all the mysteries is with nothing without love.
Verse 3: if you give all that you posses over to the poor and give your body over to severe suffering, to then boast you will gain nothing without love.
Verse 4-7:
Love is not jealous- in 1 Corinthians chapter 3 the people in Corinth were jealous of others spiritual gifts and that their leader was more superior to be a leader of the other people. However, Paul had …show more content…

Whereas love is about thinking of others, due to this it is not possible to boast and to love at the same time.
Love is not proud- A proud person is someone who thinks too much about their own significance. Someone who shows love is humble and does not think about the self as more than everyone.
Love is behaving- Behaving well is much more than being polite, but more about respecting others and considering other people's feelings.
Love is thinking and respecting others- Paul has said that Christians should not use their freedom to act only for their benefits (10:24)
Love is not easily angered- By Paul starting his description of love with 'patient' is a clear indication of the importance of it. Patience is being able to be calm when others are angry.
Love is not evil- Loving Christians doesn't try and find faults within others. 'Love covers over a great number of sins' (1 Peter 4:8)
Verse 7: In a conclusion Paul ends by emphasising that love 'always protects, always trust, always hopes [and] always preserves.' Furthermore love doesn't allow people with love to talk about faults in others, give insults and