Enhanced Interrogation: George W. Bush Administration

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"Enhanced Interrogation" is a term that was introduced by the George W. Bush administration. This type of investigation includes physically forcible interventions, such as waterboarding, sleep deprivation, facial slapping, forced standing for days and so on. Torture has been an argument for a long time to fight terrorism, but it is a bigger issue, especially after the incident of September 11, 2001. And still, it is not over that we should use "Enhanced Interrogation" or not. The techniques that are utilized in this type of investigation they are unethically and morally wrong, but they work. In my opinion "Enhanced Interrogation" means torturing someone to get information, and that information can save thousands of lives. And it is also important …show more content…

Thus, it is a type of torture that the government uses to get information from terrorists. This means the CIA is using physical and mental torture to get the information. There are thirteen enhanced interrogation techniques, but the CIA uses four of them most of the time. The first is waterboarding, which is when agents tie a detainee to a bench and then pour water on his or her face. The second technique is sleep deprivation, which is when the detainee is kept awake standing up or in a painful position for 100–180 hours. The third technique is nudity. With this method, the detainee is forced to stand naked for a long time. The fourth technique is slaps followed by insults. This short overview shows how cruel enhanced interrogation …show more content…

It was then that people started to change their view of these practices and started to take the term more seriously. Before 9/11, people did not have a lot of information about interrogation, but, after the attack people started to be interested in it and wanted to know what techniques the government was using. Everyone has different opinions; some people supported the interrogation idea, and some people protested, and they argued, talking about human rights and what's right and wrong. But nowadays, if someone gets detained by our government and they get questioned, and after they're proved innocent, our society does not look at them as a reliable person. They will still consider them a terrorist. They're going to have a hard time finding a job because no one will trust them. Even though they already have proven their innocence, if something happens, our government will have detained them again.
Some would argue that using Enhanced Interrogation, is not morally and ethically right. There is another way to get information, but hurting someone or killing somebody is not the solution. There is another way to Enhanced Interrogation for example manipulation is a pain-free way to get an answer. Sometimes Enhanced Interrogation does not even work because detainee can give misleading information so that they will stop the pain. Sometimes our government detain an innocent person and then