Enhanced Interrogation Report

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September 11th, 2001, A day America, nay, the world will always remember. An Islamic terrorist group called Al-Qaeda flew two Boeing 767 aircraft into the twin towers, a third plane hit the Pentagon, and a fourth crashed in Pennsylvania Bringing death and fear into our great country. Over 3000 lives were taken that day, either from the initial impact, burning to death, leaping to their death, or from the collapsing buildings. How do we know they committed this? How did we figure out who was behind it all? Enhanced Interrogations, or “torture” as some call it. They grabbed people close to the pilots of September 11th, and they got answers. According to interviews with CIA directors in took a full two weeks of enhanced interrogations to break …show more content…

Mainly because questioning was never needed in the older days. For example, in Ancient Greece they had this contraption called “The Brazen Bull”.”This was a solid brass bull, with a hatch that opened barley enough to get a person inside the bull. They would shove the victim inside the bull and light a fire underneath it, the person would be roasted alive, and the bull was purposely made to amplify the screams to sound like a bull for the enjoyment of the audience.”(Pegg,2013) In these times, especially in times of war, they had no need to question their enemies, but rather make them suffer and put fear into them, past methods of torturing were far more gruesome than today’s techniques. “Enhanced interrogations” started being used mostly during World War Two, most people believe that Hitler and his concentration camps were the main focus of World War Two, and that killing him ended it. They believe that Hitler tortured and killed over Six Million Jews. While he did persecute and commit Genocide on the Jews, some of that information isn 't necessarily true. Hitlers Concentration camps contained forms of torture, such as Depriving of food,the showers in Auschwitz , but if you look into it, it was more of a slavery than anything. Adolf Hitler would have his captives build more camps, more detention centers, and more factories. During World War Two, 19 Nazi agents were captured by the British Secret Intelligent Services and were “turned” or in simpler terms, brainwashed, were beaten and sleep deprived, and were tricked into stationing 450,000 Wehrmacht troops 130 miles north of the Normandy Beaches, and making German intelligence believe the attack was somewhere else(Roberts,2009). This is why what we know as D-Day, was such a success. Without the use of British torture, we would not have stormed the beaches, and a lot of people do not know, that without this invasion, World War Two may have had a different