Enormous Income Gap

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The Enormous Income Gap Due to Gender Did you know that the average woman earns 78 cents to the average man’s dollar?
This is just one of many alarming statistics on the inequality of men and women’s income. There is currently an extremely large gap between the income of men and women. For a long time, women have been treated unfairly in a wide range of jobs. Men are given more opportunities, options and respect in the workplace. More importantly, they often receive higher pay than their female co-workers. This important Social Justice issue needs to be addressed because women deserve to be paid the exact same amount as men. All female workers’s rights are being violated when they are paid less than males due to their gender. According to …show more content…

Consequently, both participative and distributive barriers are being created. When a specific group is earning less than another, not only are they receiving less, they also cannot contribute to the community or the workforce as efficiently. This is why this issue is creating both participative and distributive barriers for women. According to Forbes, there are currently 1,826 total billionaires and 197 of them are women. The fact that only 11% of them are female directly relates to this issue. Both genders work equally, yet somehow there are almost nine times as many male billionaires in the world as female ones. People of higher socioeconomic status in our society can contribute much more than people of lower status. Even though women continue to struggle with receiving equal pay, there are some institutions put in place to solve this …show more content…

According to them, “For more than four decades, NWLC has worked to close the wage gap and ensure that male and female employees get equal pay and benefits for comparable work. The Center has dramatically changed the workplace for women by successfully pushing for laws that could bring about pay equity for women. But there's still much more to be done”. Institutions like these are put in place to provide support for women earning less income than they deserve. In addition, a solution to this economic justice issue would be to increase the minimum wage. This would help because over two-thirds of low wage workers are female. If these minimum wage workers earned more, the gap would