The Issue Of Gender Inequality

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Gender Inequality
Arguably one of the most commonly discussed diversity topics in the workplace is the issue of gender inequality, specifically whether female workers receive the same level of salary and opportunity as their male counterparts. The right for women to vote, which for most western countries has existed since the end of World War 1, along with the presence of women in positions of power within modern day politics would seem to provide enough evidence to convince some observers that equality has been achieved. From women’s suffrage during the first part of the 1900s through to the Women’s Liberation movement in the 60’s and 70’s, there is little doubt that feminism has come a long way in the last century and many would argue now …show more content…

However, differences in salaries are only part of the problem when addressing the issue of inequality in the workplace. Arguably the more serious problem, there is empirical evidence to suggest that sexual harassment is a situation many female employees still have to …show more content…

Whichever form it takes, sexual harassment is truly defined by the ability of the remark (or action) by the perpetrator to make the recipient feel intimidated, or to undermine their position of authority. The article 10 Sexist Scenarios That Women Face At Work was published by the Guardian in August 2014 and features 10 common scenarios which occur in the workplace. These range from female managers “being mistaken for the receptionist/tea lady”, to “being accused of menstruation when voicing a strong opinion”. Other concerns include “being asked if a man is available instead”, “being considered a maternity risk” and “having an idea ignored only to be repeated by a male colleague five minutes later to interest and applause” (10 Sexist Scenarios that Women Face at Work, 2014). Whilst these scenarios are purely anecdotal, they are recent accounts from real women and, according to the article, will be “painfully familiar” for many female workers. This raises the important question of why, in free-thinking democratic societies such as the UK and the US, does sexual discrimination still

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