Environmental Policies Gone Through Various Phases In America

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Phuong Tran
Period 3
Environmental Policy, Politics, & Economics Essay

1. Environmental policies have gone through many phases in America. In the beginning, the top priority was the utilitarian value. Everything people do was aiming for the economic growth. There was a vast area of open land in the west, which appeared as a huge opportunity for economic growth and better livelihood for Americans especially immigrants from Europe. The government passed Homestead Act, Mineral Lands Act and Timber Culture Act to encourage the Western Expansion. Even though the Western Expansion created many new businesses, farms, cities ... dramatically improving the economy, natural resources were devastated due to unsustainable exploiting. By the late 1800's, the west was more populated which led to the increase of resource demand. Americans began to understand that natural resources …show more content…

In 1970's, Americans' perspective shifted to ecocentric. Some environmental policies were passed to encourage an environment- friendly lifestyle. They were National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), which promoted the enhancement of the environment and established the President's council on environmental quality; Endangered Species Act, conserving species that were endangered until their population reaches a stable amount; and Clean Water Act, a federal law governing water pollution. Proposed by President Nixon in 1970 with the purpose of protecting human health and the environment, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was passed by the Congress. The agency conducts research and education on the environment with the responsibility of maintaining as well as enforcing national standards under environmental policies. The EPA also works with states and local governments in an effort to reduce pollution. Some of the EPA’s achievements are cleaner water, cleaner environment, managing toxics and waste, vehicle efficiency and emissions controls, removing lead from gasoline and from the air