
Enzymes: The Influence Of Protease And Amylase

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Enzymes are biological catalysts that produce a constant supply of energy and help regulate the chemical reactions that occur in cells. Our daily lives depend on these types of proteins because without enzymes it can cause us severe illness or death and we would not be able to convert food into energy nor would our bodies be able to replace old tissues (Alberte, Pitzer, Calero, 2014). Protease and amylases are a type of enzyme that is produced by the body that helps break down starch and protein. With these enzymes, we are able to produce breaded products and we are able to brew alcohol, cheese, and detergents (Alberte, Pitzer, Calero, 2014). In respiration, enzymes contain an important role where aerobic respiration exhales the energy that …show more content…

The spot where these substrate atoms fit is known as the active site (BBC News. 2014).With the active site; it determines the shape, charge and whether the enzyme is hydrophobic or hydrophilic. On the off chance that the protein's state changes, its active site might not work. This means that the chemical has been denatured (BBC News. 2014).They can be denatured by high temperatures or extremes of pH. When there are changes in the pH or temperature, it can modify the shape of an enzyme which causes the reaction to slow down. For the response to continue, the substrate should first be changed over to a higher energy state, called the transition state. The energy that was needed to reach the transition state constitutes a boundary to the reaction's advancement, constraining the rate of reaction. The proteins act by bringing down the activation energy, in this manner, expanding the rate of response. The expanded rate is the same in both the forward and turn around bearings, since both must go through the same transition state (Cooper, 2015). When this experiment was conducted, temperature played a vital role in the breaking down of

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