Epilogue To Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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At the end of chapter 10, Mr Frankenstein died. When the Monster came and see that his father died, He cried and said if I wouldn't do this my father wouldn’t died. I’m the reason why my father died. The monster was devastated that his father died and had moved to a place called, Saint Paul, Minnesota. In 1967 at city of Saint Paul, at Mississippi river. The Monster tried to fix his problems but he can't. Then he talked to himself and said I’m alone and I don't have a happy life, I wanna make someone who is gonna make me happy. When he was saying that he thought he had the book of life, but after he tried to make someone he find out that he lost the book. Then he really got mad he hate himself more and more. He tried to killed by himself but when he think …show more content…

In the year of 1969 he moved to Egypt he was alone no one loves him everyone hates him even tho they scared of him. When he was there like a year and he was still sad and alone. He met a old guy his name was Tom, Tom was the father of Mr. Frankenstein. But the Monster he didn’t knew that. The old guy was nice the Monster, the Monster really loved this guy because he never saw a someone who was nice to him and loved like the way Tom does. Tom asked the Monster to tell him what happened to him and his old life then he told everything. After Mr. Tom he feel sad and kind of scared but he said to the Monster, you’re killed my son and my other son his wife and his friend. So do you know that Frankenstein was my son? He asked, the Monster. The Monster said no! Then Tom said you didn’t did good things but it wasn’t your fault it was his fault but I will try to help you as well as I can. Ask me anything you want I will do for you. Then the Monster laugh so hard and he said you better don't say that Mr. Tom! The what I want is not the easy, Tom said I don't care if it is easy or not just tell me I will do it for you. Then Monster talked and said, I want a wife can you make me a wife? Then Tom said Hmmm