Essay On Epstein's Framework

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There are six types of involvement under Epstein’s framework. This framework aims to give support to educators in developing family-school partnership. It includes parenting, communicating, volunteering, learning at home, decision-making and collaborating with the community.

Fresh Fish Traders’ School has reached all 6 levels of parental involvement. Parenting requires the help from school to set up home environments. This can support children’s learning as students under home conditions. Parent education program in Fresh Fish Traders’ School held various of functions, for instance, parent seminars, parent communications and family activities to assist parents to help students to establish self-management. One seminar was held on Oct 27, 2016, on how to assist adolescent face puberty positively. 91% of the parents found that the program could develop the self-management skills, which are self-discipline, responsibility, and self-learning, of the students. In Fresh Fish Traders’ School’s three-years school development plan (2006-2009), it shows that one of the strategies under home-school co-operation is parent education activity. 20% of parents regularly participate in parent education activities.

Communicating refers to any forms of communication with families …show more content…

(2011): family background, parents’ personal factor and school factor. Family background refers to the higher socioeconomic status, the higher level of involvement. Parents have flexible time, manpower and financial resources. Also, parents with higher educational and economic backgrounds may pay more attention to their children's education. In Fresh Fish Traders’ School, parents generally have low educational levels and poor social background, which causing a lack of support for children. From the milk incident, some parents were being impatient and rude for the delayed milk