Equality 7-2521 As An Equal Society In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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The book “Anthem” by Ayn Rand is revealed as an equal society where individuality has been isolated. It introduces the community and the power the World Council has over everyone. They seem to think that they were born with a curse. They thought this because Equality 7-2521 had been thinking forbidden thoughts for most of his life and he can’t resist them. This is bad because the World Council must strive to keep everyone in the community alike. They believe that being different is bad and aspire to be powerful and dominant. All people must use the form “We.” Equality 7-2521, is a great young man who has a desire of being a scientist, but is commanded to be a Street Sweeper by the government. The Council punishes Equality 7-2521 for being "different," which in his case means being brilliant and smart. They are fearful of the way his mind works and they don't want to show the world the incredible thing that he has found. Which brings us back to the concept of the word “We.” No one has a personal name but are tagged with generalized concepts of collectivism such as Equality, International, Liberty, and so forth. “We are in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE, One indivisible and forever (pg.19).” The …show more content…

They did not want people to establish a close relationship. Over a period time, the government managed to eliminate all knowledge of the word "I" from their language. Which is why they use the word “We”. Individuals have no right to enjoy life, and their actions are brutally controlled. The Saint of the Pyre is the only man who re-discovered the meaning of the word "I" but was convicted to death. “The secrets of this earth are not for all men to see, but only for those who will seek them (pg. 52). Nobody else was interested about figuring out why they were all living as in an individual nation. Not until, Equality 7-2521 who is given a name: