Equalitys Sense Of Purpose In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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Equalitys’ Sense of Purpose In the book Anthem written by Ayn Rand, society is now known as “the great WE” (19). Where man may not think as one, but must think as a whole; as it is the law. Even though, there is total equality, there is no right of a free mind. Everyone is taught very little history to avoid any sort of curiosity. Throughout Equalitys’ childhood, he is looked at very closely by his teachers for having too much curiosity and asking questions of the past. Later on in his life, the Council gives him the job as “Street Sweeper” to try and avoid any source of creative thought that may cause a ‘bigger problem’. The job he was given was of pure sinister motivation, because of his curiosity, his intelligence and the belief that his independence is evil.

Growing up, Equality has wondered what is beyond what he has been told. “We wished to know… about all the things” (23). He has asked so many questions- unlike the others- which the teachers forbade it. According to the council, curiosity is selfish- since it cannot give rest and once answered, more questions come. The Council does not like curiosity; it could lead to the revelation of the Unspeakable Times.

Equalitys intelligence was also one of the reasons why he was given the job he did. While in the Home of Students, he surpassed everybody unintentionally and caught the …show more content…

Equality has a different potential from the rest of the people, as one, and this concerns the Council. When worked in a group, man is more limited to his actions since everybody has to agree, but alone, a man has no limits. Equality grew up to be independent, rather than dependent (what the Council wants) and he is considered evil. To try and level his thoughts, they make him a street sweeper so that he will underestimate himself and not try to do something