Equity With Regard To Income And Social Class

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Equity: Full and equal access to opportunities and amenities regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, age or wealth. It is the distribution of impacts i.e. benefits and costs and whether that distribution is fair and appropriate. Transportation systems can play an important role in a region’s economic and social well-being, that’s why equity analysis is important and unavoidable. It influences the transportation policy and planning decisions. There are several types of equity to consider, which will lead to a lot of impacts and many different ways to measure those impacts, so transportation equity analysis can be challenging. One decision might look equitable when evaluated one way but won’t be equitable if evaluated different way. The transportation …show more content…

the transportation policies are equitable if they favor economically and socially disadvantaged group, to compensate for overall inequities. To make sure that the economically and socially disadvantaged groups get the affordable modes, discounts and special services, this definition is supported. It is also made sure that the disadvantaged group doesn’t bear the excessive external costs (e.g. pollution, accident risk, financial …show more content…

iii) Impact on service quality, some of them are roadway quality, land use accessibility, public transportation service quality. iv) External Impacts include air, noise and water pollution emissions, impacts on community livability, aesthetic impacts.
v) Economic impacts include impacts on business activities, property values, and economic development in an area. Distribution of expenditures and employment. Access to education and employment leading to economic opportunities. vi) Regulation and Enforcement impacts includes, traffic and parking regulation and enforcement, regulation of transportation industries e.g. public