
Erebos And The Greek Gods Summary

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At the dawn of time, civilization was created in the image of a perfect society by the gods. Earth was ideal, where only kind words and content people were known to exist. The gods agreed upon hiding mortals to all hurtful and horrible actions, behaviors, and feelings. The gods’ plan worked for a couple of thousands of years, for all of humanity maintained a pleasant life, especially a young man named Erebos. Erebos owned a magnificent home in Sparta along with his wife Aleta, and their two children. Erebos was a missionary, who often traveled through oceans and foreign lands spreading his love and respect of the gods. The gods were like proud parents of Erebos, and appreciated everything he sacrificed in their honor. Faith of the gods …show more content…

Please do not try to poison our minds with your silly stories! Now go take your business elsewhere!” Erebos looked confused and replied, “I’m very sorry, ma’am, but I’m spreading the word of my gods!” The woman became angry with Erebos and shouted, “How dare you! Our Roman gods are far better than those ridiculous Greek gods of yours! Now leave before you are punished!” Erebos turned the other way and continued preaching. Andrea was filled with rage and attacked him from behind. She pierced his heart with a sword she had hidden under her robe, and Erebos fell to the ground. Andrea had killed the beloved Erebos. The gods of Olympus looked down onto Erebos’ body, weeping over the loss of their most loyal and loving human. All the gods went to Zeus and demanded revenge on Andrea. Zeus was outraged with the mortal woman of Rome. He agreed that something must be done. Back down in Rome, people were shocked by Andrea’s actions. However, due to their peaceful way of life, they accepted her mistake as irreversible and did their best to move on. However, one night an old man approached the door of Andrea’s and knocked. Andrea opened the door and grumbled, “If you’re here to discipline me, don’t waste your time. Go back home, you old

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